About the Initiatives

  • Defend Washington Slate Card

    Learn about why you should vote NO on all four statewide initiatives.

  • Screenshot of No on I-2109 One Pager

    No on I-2109 Fact Sheet

    Lean about how Initiative 2109 devastates funding for education and childcare while giving a tax break to multi-millionaires.

  • Screenshot of No on 2117 Fact Sheet

    No on I-2117 Fact Sheet

    Learn about Intiative 2117 and its devastating effects on our air, water, forests, and farmland.

  • Screen shot of No on 2124 One Pager

    No on I-2124 Fact Sheet

    Learn about how Initiative 2124 takes away health care benefits from millions of Washingtonians.

  • Screenshot of No on I-2124 Talking points

    No on I-2124 Talking Points

    Learn how to speak to your neighbors about I-2124.

  • Screenshot of No on I-2066 fact sheet

    No on I-2066 Fact Sheet

    Learn about how Initiative 2066 attacks energy efficiency and creates higher costs for everyone.

Polling On Heywood Initiatives

  • Poll screenshot

    Poll: Steep Uphill Climb For Heywood Initiatives

    The results of these tests show a steep uphill climb for proponents of these measures. Each one polls well below 50% when just presented with the ballot title (SPLIT B). I-2117 (carbon tax) polls at 40% support, 34% opposed. I-2109 (capital gains tax repeal) polls at 40% support, 46% opposed. I-2124 (long-term care insurance) polls at 42% support, 24% opposed.

  • Poll

    Poll Analysis: WA Voters Reject Heywood initiatives

    A May 2024 survey of likely voters in Washington finds voters rejecting hedge fund owner Brian Heywood’s slate of ballot initiatives. The three measures polled (Initiatives 2109, 2117, and 2124) are well below 50% percent support and each has more voters opposed than in favor.

  • July 2024 Poll

    Poll: I-2124 Tests Below 50%

    Based on ballot language – inclusive of the Public Investment Impact Disclosure (PIID) – Initiative 2124 is testing well below the 50+1 threshold needed to pass at 42% yes.