What would I-2066 do?
It would increase energy bills by forcing utility companies to continue investing in outdated technology, passing the costs onto families and businesses.
I-2066 is part of a nationwide scheme by fossil fuel corporations and well-funded interest groups who want to stop the transition to clean energy and make as much money as possible, while families and businesses pay higher bills.
I-2066 would raise costs by rolling back modern protections that make homes and businesses more energy efficient. It jeopardizes energy efficiency programs and would take away important customer appliance rebates, raising costs for Washingtonians.
I-2066 would put special interest profits over community interests by blocking towns, cities and counties from making decisions that work best for their communities.
At its core, I-2066 would undo existing protections and popular programs that have helped families statewide reduce energy use and lower their bills. I-2066 would roll back energy efficiency standards, raise the cost of building and powering new homes and increase energy bills for Washington families and businesses.