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VOTE NO ON I-2109, I-2117, I-2124, AND I-2066
Washington faces four deceptive and dangerous initiatives on the November ballot. Defend Washington is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and individuals from across Washington working to protect working families and the services we all rely on by defeating these initiatives.
Initiatives 2109, 2117, 2124, and 2066 will undo a decade of progress on education and childcare funding, efforts to protect our clean air and water, affordable clean energy, and providing long-term care for seniors and people with disabilities.
By allowing big corporations and the wealthy to avoid paying what they owe, these initiatives will unfairly shift the bill to middle- and low-income families. These initiatives will eliminate programs that reduce pollution, invest in transportation, lower energy costs for families, pay care providers, and fund education for our kids.
These initiatives were paid for by millionaire hedge fund manager Brian Heywood, who moved here from California, and are intentionally written to be misleading because the sponsors don’t want us to know what the initiatives really do. Don’t be fooled - vote NO on these deceptive initiatives.
Don't let some rich Californian control our state's future. Defend Washington. Vote No on these four initiatives.

Far-right MAGA Republicans are sponsoring this slate of initiatives on the ballot this November. All are sponsored by state representative and MAGA Republican Party Chair Jim Walsh, who repeats the lie that the 2020 election wasn’t legitimate, who compared COVID public health measures to slavery and the holocaust, and who has mocked the idea of climate change.
And all are bankrolled by conservative Republican hedge fund manager Brian Heywood, who spent more than $6 million on paid signature gatherers to qualify these measures. Make no mistake: these four initiatives are deceptive and roll back progress we have made here in Washington in recent years.