What would I-2117 do?
It would mean more pollution across Washington State; devastate funding for programs to protect our air, water, and land; and cut investments in transportation.
Initiative 2117 threatens our air, land, and water. It would end protections for our air, water, forests, and farmland while devastating our transportation and infrastructure programs, making traffic worse.
Initiative 2117 is a purposely misleading initiative written by a mega-millionaire, and it won’t do a thing to guarantee lower costs for you and your family. So many working families are struggling with the cost of living in Washington, and this initiative will only lead to costly consequences: more toxic air pollution that threatens our health, and more traffic. It would gut programs that protect communities from wildfires, jeopardize vital protections for our waterways, including rivers, lakes and streams, and eliminate efforts to support salmon recovery and fish habitat. And by forcing drastic cuts to our state’s transportation funding, it would hurt every corner of our state, putting major road and bridge projects addressing congestion, safety and freight mobility at risk of being delayed or even canceled.
At a time of heightened political division, the No on I-2117 campaign is bringing together Washingtonians from across the state to stop the rollback of protections for our air, water, land, and transportation investments. The devastating harm I-2117 would cause has produced a uniquely broad and diverse Washington State coalition united in opposition. Over 350 organizations – including firefighters, small business owners, leading companies, doctors, nurses, labor unions and environmental leaders – and Tribal Nations have joined together to fiercely oppose I-2117